Monday, October 31, 2011

E-mail 10/30/2011

Hellooooooooo*cough *cough *gasp family!!
What a wonderful week! We both have bikes now so we can now be mucho grande more productive. I bought mine for ten dollars. It is a sweet bike. I have just decided to call it "The iron horse." Hey, I just made that up. Wait what do you think I should call it? Hey that's a good idea. ok you tell me what you think I should call it and the one I like the best I'll use. How does that sound? I'll even paint or stick or attach in some way that name to my bike. Cool, I'm excited! I can't wait!
Pres. called today and put me in charge of a few other Elders. We'll see how that goes.
I went on exchanges this last week with Elder Clawson, my trainer. It was a fun day. He actually started out in this area. We had a good time, we reminisced about serving together.
We are helping a few people "come unto Christ." Jessica didn't come to church yesterday, but she wants to next Sunday. We are hoping to teach her in a members home. The Branch is very hopeful for her. We are very excited. When Elder Brezenski was on the phone with her I yelled "will you be baptized?" She said "that was out there." Don't worry, we'll get her when we have a lesson with her. ;)
Do you know how awesome it is to have a bike again? You move so much faster. I feel on top of the world.
Thank you! you all are awesome! Phil 4:8 May the spirit be with you!
Elder Durrant
P.S. I heard a new one that I like. In regards to typing. "I'm a biblical finder. I seek and I find."

Monday, October 24, 2011

E-mail 10/24/2011

Hello glorintabulas family!!
I hear it's snowing over there. It's not snowing over here. It keeps going up and down. One week will be forties and raining, the next will be in the upper fifties and sunny. People tell us that it starts getting really chilly in January. I just waterproofed my coat and gloves so even if I'm cold I won't be wet. yea!
Sunday we had Jessica come to church. She brought Brian her son as well. They had a really good time. They have a fellowshipper who has completely befriended her, they are like old friends. She is beginning to become involved in the activities.
We are also teaching Pat. She is keeping all the assignments we give her. This last visit we gave her twenty chapters of the Book of Mormon to read. As well as a pedigree chart to fill out. She accepted the new assignment. We have a member who insist on going with us to every lesson we have with her, which is alright with us. We are helping her gain her own testimony rather than her borrowing ours.
We are being fed more than we can manage. Our fridge is full, so are our bellies. We are happy, so is the branch.
Elder Brezenski is awesome! We are having a great time! It is just zooming by.
I love it here! I love the people! I love being a missionary! May the Spirit be with you!
Elder Durrant

Monday, October 17, 2011

E-mail 10/17/2011

Hello wonderfulistic family!!
I love being a missionary! It is so awesome! My companion is so awesome!
This week it got a little chilly, so while I'm bundling up tight, Elder Brezenski is just going around in his suit coat saying I'm crazy and that it's not that cold. He is from Montana. Before that he moved from Alaska. I, on the other hand am from Utah. Before that I moved from Califonia. The conclusion than can be drawn that I am cold, and he is warm.
We are doing a lot of good over in this neck of the woods, literally. We are still teaching Joann, who has a baptism date, all that she needs to do is come to church. She read the book of mormon stories(It is not however called a comic book as I was so told when I called them that. It is a nice comic book though,) She came up with really well thought out questions. For example:What is the deal with the Liahona? Why did the three Nephites need to stay if there were lots of people to share the gospel? What is the deal with Nephi killing Laben? Elder Brezenski answered most of the questions. It made me really happy.
We found a lady, named Sis Sally, whom we are teaching. We are going to take a less-active member over to the appointment with us so that they can share their conversion story and hopefully they will become friends with the person and become active. Both are really nice and we think they will make good friends. Sis Sally goes to church and was baptized, but she doesn't feel connected with the church and she feels her baptism isn't valid becuase she wasn't immersed. Plus she gave us brownies :)
I love this Branch! I am learning so much from the members, the scriptures and my companion.
Thank you all for being so awesome!! May the Spirit be with you!
Elder Durrant
I read this today Duet 4:29 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

E-mail 10/11/2011

Hello Glorious family!!
This week has been so awesome! We have been working hard and seeing lots of people.
We are teaching a sister, whose name is Joann, whom we have set a baptismal date with. She has been investigating off and on for two years. She prayed to know if she should be baptized, that very night she had a dream and she took that for her answer. Likewise, later, she was reading the Book of Mormon and the TV was on. She looked up at it and a ad was on. She took that as another answer. Whenever we are over there she is always asking if or when we are having a lesson. She is so awesome.
We are also teaching her brother separately. He has come a long way, before he didn't really want to talk to us, now he is always asking us when we are coming over next, or telling us to stop by anytime. We are trying to get him to read the Book of Mormon right now.
We are teaching another lady who at first only wanted to learn more, now she is sincerely thinking about being baptized. We have an awesome member who insists on going with us whenever we go over there. He is a good fellowshipper for her.
We had two lessons this week where Elder Brezenski led them out, he taught most of the lesson and at the end of each one he committed them to baptism. I was so happy! He did good. One of the people said probably the other said maybe.
This campaign is so cool! They have twenty or so billboards in the major cities. They have ads on all the local networks. Our investigators are seeing them and when they do they are like "I know them!" We also have people on the streets we talk to, they have seen the advertisements. It is really exciting.
Yesterday the Zone got together and we played football and ultimate Frisbee, which was fun. I didn't break anything, not even myself ;)
I love being a missionary! May the Spirit be with you!
Elder Durrant

Monday, October 3, 2011

E-mail 10/03/2011

Hello wonderful family!!
I love being a missionary!
This week has been really good! We had a meeting where we were trained on how to use, for the upcoming campaign. They are going to have about twenty billboards throughout Indiana. Commercials about I'm a Mormon. It is going to be sweet!
Conference was so awesome! I planned to share some of my thoughts, but I forgot my notes so I won't. Just kidding, I did forget my notes, but I can share what I remember. I loved Pres. Monson! He was so happy and positive! "Hello!" The priesthood session was so awesome! It was just full of rebukement! I thought it was funny when Elder Holland said that "there is a level of maturity that senior missionaries bring that a nineteen year old Elder cannot." Someone sitting next to me said "ooh burn" in my direction. It was a good talk. I enjoyed all of the talks. This was a very good conference. Either they are getting better and better or I am just paying closer attention.
There was a person who had gotten a cold. The same day they received a blessing. The very next day they were better and back to normal functioning. That is called a miracle.
My new companion is so awesome! He is learning all he can. We are having a good time.
The members here are so awesome. They do many things at great personal sacrifice. For example, we needed an exchange and no one was available so he accepted to go even though he was up at one o clock and would only get four hours of sleep tonight. Hometeaching is a different story as well. Instead of your five or six people being on three or four different streets, you have seven or eight people in three or four different cities. Can you imagine driving half an hour to get to your first home? They really appreciate all the work we do.
We had an investigator come to a movie night on Friday where we watched Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration. Then she came to both sessions on Sunday. She enjoyed both. She said it caused her to think, and Conference answered many of her questions.
Thank you all for all that you do! I love you! May the Spirit be with you!
Elder Durrant