Monday, November 21, 2011

E-mail 11/21/2011

Hello Wonderful family!!
Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day! I have a wonderful feeling, everything's going Gods way!!
This week has been awesome! We have been doing lots of good. I love being a missionary!
We are still teaching Joann. She is starting to read the book of Mormon. If people will read the book of Mormon they can't help but be converted. If an investigator stops coming to church, or is not progressing, it is usually because they have stopped reading the book of Mormon. The same goes for those who are members, if they stop reading then they are more likely to fall away, or be offended, or whatever. They are starving themselves spiritually. I've thought about it, if you have to feed yourself three or so times a day to stay alive, does the same go for your spirit. Are we eating healthy? Are we working out? oh, happy thanksgiving!
We had dinner at a members home and just as we finished a bat started flying around. It was so awesome! I had never seen a wild bat like that before. It scared the mom and all the kids ducked under the table.
Oh oh! cool story! God works in mysterious ways. He uses do-nuts. So, While I was on exchanges we were driving around. We prayed to see if we should drive to a far away place, we didn't. After a little while we stopped at a gas station. We both got out and started filling. They were selling do-nuts two for a dollar. My companion said ok guess how much the gas will cost and the loser buys do-nuts. I guessed ten dollars lower than he did. He got it right on the dot, not even a cent off. Well he used the restroom, he wouldn't have bought donuts, I wouldn't have if I were in my own area, but I did. While we were standing in line a kid in front of us looked at us and asked "are you agents?" When it was our turn the guy at the register asked us who we really were. We told him. Him and his buddy talked with us for a while and wanted us to come by later and talk with them. The donuts were good, too. ;) It's crazy what happens when are going about. I love it!
I love you all!! May the Spirit be with you!
Elder Durrant

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