Monday, July 23, 2012
E-mail 07/23/2012
Good Morning! Wonderful family! What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the temperature rising, and Missionaries are out proselyting.
This Sunday all the members in Indiana fasted for rain. It was really cool. When you combine and focus the faith of that many saints miracles happen.
This last week we were able to teach Tom. He has a lot of questions and doubts, but he tells us that he will hear us out. For example he heard about baptisms for the dead and he didn't agree with it because, we found out, he thought we went to the cemetery and did some ritual or something over their plot. We were able to correct that and he likes the way we do it much better than the way he thought we did it. We taught him the plan of salvation. He's not so sure about all of it, but we keep telling him to read the Book of Mormon and ask God to confirm that it is true. Hopefully he will do it soon.
We also taught Bro Jim. He is such a good guy. He loves learning. But he won't make the commitment to be baptized. In our last visit we read Alma thirty-six versus thirty to thirty-nine with him. We both felt the Spirit prompting us to commit him to baptism, so we did. He sat there for a minute struggling with the Spirit. He knew he should get baptized. The Spirit was telling him to. However he went against the Spirit and declined with an "I have to think about it." For him, once he opens his heart and allows the Spirit in to testify to him, then he will be ready to make that commitment.
We also taught Bro Dave. He is doing so well. He has quit smoking. He still works on Sunday, but he called and asked us if we could give him a few chapters that he could read while at work from the Book of Mormon. He also told us that he wanted to read the Book of Mormon from the beginning. We are excited for him. He has had a complete change of heart and is doing awesome!
Oh, FYI The car was in an accident, so we will be on bikes for a few weeks while it is getting fixed. Which is ok, because I love riding my bike. :) Don't worry it wasn't us. The other Elders whom we share the car with, were hit by someone else. They are fine, it was a low speed hit which just messed up the front of the car. It's all good, though. When the members found out there were tons of offers to give us rides to places, which is sweet.
May the Spirit be with you!
Elder Durrant
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